Jeff Zacks, Ph.D.

Chair, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences; Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences; Professor of Radiology

Jeff ZacksChair, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Professor of 
Psychological and Brain Sciences
Professor of Radiology

Ph.D., Stanford University
M.A., Stanford University
B.A., Yale University

Phone: 314-935-8454
Office: Psychology Building 206
Mailbox: CB 1125


Professor Zacks’ laboratory studies how the representations in the brain and the world work together in cognition. He studies perception and cognition using behavioral experiments, functional MRI, computational modeling, and testing of neurological patients. One line of research examines how people parse the continuous stream of behavior into meaningful events, and how this affects memory and cognition. Another line examines how mental imagery contributes to reasoning about spatial relations, especially how mental representations of one’s body are updated during imagery and reasoning.

 Event Cognition     Flicker: Your Brain on Movies      Understanding Events: From Perception to Action     Representation in Mind and World

Recent Previous Courses

  • Advanced Cognitive Psychology: Psychology 5087 (with Ian Dobbins, 2015)
  • Cognitive Psychology: Psychology 360
  • The Cognitive Neuroscience of Film: Psychology 488/PNP 4488